IEFT / Orkeeswa School

Field Partner

IEFT operates Orkeeswa School, a top-performing secondary school located in an under-resourced Maasai village in rural Tanzania. Orkeeswa creates opportunities for students to become strong voices for change in their communities by offering high-quality, holistic education that promotes creativity, emphasizes community service, and nurtures students’ leadership capacity. Support from The School Fund allows IEFT to provide this high quality education at no cost to students.

Partner Type:
Population served:
Students are primarily Maasai youth from neighboring villages. 78% of households in these communities live below the poverty line. There are currently 303 students enrolled at IEFT of which 65% are female and 35% are male.
Student selection criteria:
Need and Merit. Approximately 15% of applicants are admitted.
Services provided:
School supplies, athletics, nutritious meals, health care, leadership development, community engagement, arts education, entrepreneurship training and career and college counseling.
TSF student promotion rate:
2018 - 100%
2017 - 91%
2016 - 100%
2015 - 100%
2014 - 100%

IEFT / Orkeeswa School is raising money for 25 students' school expenses. 25 have been fully funded so far.

  • Veronica




    Veronica’s father has mental health problems and is mostly absent in the lives of his two wives and eleven children. Since her mother moved far away for work, Veronica and her other siblings live with their father’s second wife who supports the children by collecting and selling firewood in Monduli. However, she struggles to pay for expenses such as school fees. Veronica hopes to be able to finish secondary school and set a good example for her younger brother, who has just started at Orkeeswa in Pre-Form One.

    School Year 2017

  • Cadeth




    Cadeth lives with his father, his father’s two wives and their many children. Cadeth is the oldest of his immediate siblings, and the first in his family to attend secondary school. Cadeth’s parents are farmers and support their families with their small subsistence farm and a few animals. Cadeth’s father also takes small jobs for extra money, such as driving a taxi motorbike.

    School Year 2022

  • Naserian




    Naserian’s father has two wives and many children. Naserian lives at home with her parents, and her four siblings. Her parents work as subsistence farmers, cultivating crops and keeping livestock. Her older sister had the opportunity to go to secondary school and now is attending A-level. Naserian hopes to follow in her sister’s footsteps and succeed in her studies so that she can contribute to her family and send her younger siblings to secondary school.

    School Year 2017

  • Paulina




    Quiet and curious, Paulina enjoys exploring her interests in geography and english class with a steadfast determination. As the oldest in her family, Paulina serves as a stellar example to her younger siblings. She can often be found studying with her friends, and she hopes to become a member of parliament and help build more durable homes in her community after graduation.

    School Year 2022

  • Ngirunga




    Since Ngirunga’s father died many years ago, his mother has supported her four children by herself. Ngirunga now lives with his mother who is a subsistence farmer, his younger sister who is in primary school, and his two older brothers. His older brothers did not have the opportunity to go to secondary school and now work at home on the family farm. Ngirunga hopes to be able to receive a quality education so that he can give back to his family and ensure that his sister also goes to secondary school.

    School Year 2019

  • Sechota




    Sechota has lived in Monduli Town with her grandmother and grandfather since her parents died many years ago. Her grandparents support her and her 5 other siblings on their subsistence farm. However, because they are quite old and have little money, they struggle to contribute to their grandchildren’s education. Sechota’s older sister finished secondary school and is now studying computer science at a certificate program. Sechota hopes to be able to also succeed in secondary school so that she can send her younger siblings to primary school.

    School Year 2017

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