IEFT operates Orkeeswa School, a top-performing secondary school located in an under-resourced Maasai village in rural Tanzania. Orkeeswa creates opportunities for students to become strong voices for change in their communities by offering high-quality, holistic education that promotes creativity, emphasizes community service, and nurtures students’ leadership capacity. Support from The School Fund allows IEFT to provide this high quality education at no cost to students.
Active and confident, Amina is a determined young woman who is very committed to her studies. In the classroom, she is a strong listener and a thoughtful student, crafting her answers and defending her points well. Smiley and curious, she asks questions frequently and is a leader amongst her peers. Amina lives with her step-mother and her father, who is a driver for Orkeeswa school.
School Year 2022
Naserian’s father has two wives and many children. Naserian lives at home with her parents, and her four siblings. Her parents work as subsistence farmers, cultivating crops and keeping livestock. Her older sister had the opportunity to go to secondary school and now is attending A-level. Naserian hopes to follow in her sister’s footsteps and succeed in her studies so that she can contribute to her family and send her younger siblings to secondary school.
School Year 2017
Melubo resides in Lashaine Village with his large family. His father works as a security guard and his family has a small farm that grows maize and beans. His father is also a the chair of Orkeeswa School's parents' committee. After school he hopes to teach history and English, two of his favorite subjects, to secondary school students. When he's not studying, Melubo enjoys playing basketball.
School Year 2016
Having grown up with her siblings and cousins under one roof after the passing of her uncle, Sarah knows the importance of family and kindness. Sarah is confident and well-spoken, and she is always ready to lend a helping-hand to others. As a true helper and lover of Biology, Sarah hopes to continue to take care of others by becoming a nurse.
School Year 2022
Day in and day out, Namnyak is always smiling. The oldest in a large family, Namnyak has many responsibilities beyond her studies: taking care of her younger siblings, collecting firewood, fetching water, working on the farm, cooking for her family and washing clothes are just a few. Her parents are subsistence farmers; they grow maize and beans and keep a few animals to support their family. She has to walk several hours to and from school each day as she lives in one of the farthest villages. However, Namnyak never complains about all these responsibilities! She is a engaged student, kind friend to all, and a hard worker. She loves to study biology and dreams of becoming a nurse: "I love biology because it will help me become a nurse one day. If I study cells and viruses I will know what is making someone sick, and what causes diseases. I want to become a nurse so I can help my community to be healthy." With her work ethic and caring nature, we know Namnyak will be a natural for the job.
School Year 2022
Sereti’s parents are both subsistence farmers — cultivating crops and raising livestock. Sereti helps her family on their farm during the weekend. Her father has three wives and many children. Sereti is the youngest of five, having one brother and three sisters. None of Sereti’s other siblings were given the opportunity to go to secondary school. Instead, they were all married immediately after finishing primary school. Sereti hopes to be able to contribute to her family and make them proud by becoming the first in her family to complete secondary school.
School Year 2018