Elizabeth is an alumna of The School Fund's scholarship program. Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $233 from 0 donors Needs $0


Eliza was born in 1997 and her favorite subject is English. Although she is quiet, Eliza is very ambitious and hopes to obtain an education in order to become a journalist. Eliza values her independence and education so much that she prefers not to get married. She lives with her brother, sister and mother and enjoys drawing in her spare time.

Where your donation goes

Total $233
  • Tuition
  • School Supplies
  • Uniform
  • Food
  • Exams

Elizabeth's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2015 Form 6
2014 Form 5
2013 Form 4
2012 Form 3
2011 Form 2


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Dear Students,

I love to collect wisdom from different sources that are meaningful to me.
Below are a few of my favorites that I would like to share with you:

1) When you master your emotions, you master your life
Anger. This is one emotion that is sure to pop up sometime during the day. How you deal with your anger says a lot about who you are as a person. How well do you manage your emotions? Do you have a harsh reaction if someone says something insulting to you? Anger can be a destructive emotion if not managed properly.

2) Respect other people’s opinions even when they differ from your own.

Conflict. It’s rare that two people agree on most topics. Conflict is everywhere. It happens at work, home, with family and friends. Disagreeing isn’t the problem (although most people think it is). The problem is not giving value to the opinions of others.

3) Experience The Joy Of Learning
Each time you learn something new you gain more knowledge and with more knowledge come more confidence. Learning helps us become more adaptable and flexible to new situations. Learning encourages us to be more creative and innovative in our thinking and we are therefore more comfortable with the unknown.
Reading books is a great way for us to learn. To fully embrace the joy of learning, never stop reading and searching for more knowledge.

4) Touch someone’s soul with your kindness
Random Acts of Kindness. It’s the little things in life that matter most. Hold a door, smile at people. Kindness does not cost much and it touches the soul of another person.

5) Speech is a powerful tool.
Your words. Watch your words carefully. They can be daggers or building blocks. You can crush the spirit of someone or make them feel like they can conquer the world. Taste your words before you spit them out. Words are your thoughts coming to life. It’s your choice.

What are your favorite quotes and wisdom to live by? I’d love to hear your thought on that.
Jonathan Gilbert
Hello Ying,
Thank you very much for working with TSF.
You are helping hundreds of students in the world to reach more than their dream was.

It is good and nice to know you.
Even if you are in Taiwan but your still writing to us it is encouraging and give us motivation.
You can ask me any question you like and i will give back the answers.

Worlmy welcome to our country so that you can see many things.
What is your hobby?
What do you like to do in your free time.
Greet all in Taiwan.
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