Havin Mutalemwa's 2017 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $200 from 0 donors Needs $0


My dad passed away in 2007. First I would like to thank God for this moment where I am now, and for helping me to pass all the difficulties. The most difficult experience I ever had is after I lost my dad and all our belongings were taken and scattered such that we left bare handed. Since that moment we lived a difficult life. My mother tried her level best as a small peasant to attempt to help us to gain and complete the education of her three children. She has a difficult situation doing so. My dream is to become a lawyer so that I may help those who are being undermined for mistakes that they didn’t do. I hope to get to my dreams by studying hard and also by cooperating with my fellow students and teachers. My happiest moment was when I made my mother proud by passing my exams of O-Level to A-Level, in spite of all the difficulties I had before. According to what I have set as my dream, I wish to pass my A-Level with flying colours so that I may be able to join the university for further studies. After I graduate from university, I would like to help other students supported by The School Fund who need help to reach their dreams.

Where your donation goes

Total $200
  • School Fees

Havin Mutalemwa's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2017 Form 6
2016 Form 5


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hello dear students who have now joined various universities. Here are various tips to help you reach your goal. 1. Engage your mind
Success comes from hard work and an open mind. University demands are different from high school and the expectations are higher. Learn from your mistakes and gradually bounce back. Putting in the effort up front makes all the difference. Talk to your instructors to better understand what they expect from you. 2. Manage your energy, not your time
Direct your attention and focus your energy when assignment deadlines and exams are due. Sitting at your computer or in the library isn’t enough; you need to direct your energy to tasks at hand. Your FOMO (fear of missing out – on fun) has to take a back seat to academic and career aspirations, at strategic times. 3. Make connections
Building community is important. Get curious and involved in campus life through student organizations and volunteer opportunities (both on and off campus). Get to know your instructors and ask for help if you need it. Discover which resources and services are available to you on campus and reach out for support.

4. Start a meaningful journey
This is a great opportunity to learn about many things of interest to you. University should provide a worthwhile, engaging and exciting learning process leading to a satisfying career. Enjoy the journey. If you aren’t engaged in your studies or your community, it may be time to ask for help. 5. Persevere
Being gritty means sticking to your long term goals and being passionate about them despite small setbacks or challenges along the way. But if you change your mind it is OK; be gritty about the next thing. Accept that setbacks are part of the process and keep going anyway.
Hello Nuru.
Greetings to you and all TSF members and i hope that you are doing fine as we always pray for you.
I would like to share on the topic of language in terms of stylistic.
Stylistic is a study af language in response to its use in normal environment.
In stylistic there are two varieties of which are
Dialect;is the variety of language according to user.English has two main dialects which are
American english
British english.
This is characterised by various factors for its accurence,which are;
Distance ;In this there are different pecularities in use of language such as in english there is American english and British english.
Time change;Time leads to difference in use of language as langiage drevelops from old language to modern language example English language is now not in use of words like thy.which are termed as old english.
social classes,;these are the high class that speak standars english while middle class common core vocaburaly and lower class speak cockney.
Individualism. This is pecularity in use of language which creates formation of a dialet due to difference in use from one person to the other.
Register;is the variety of language use due to use.It may be characterised or classified by the following factors,
Means of discourse/medium.;its the means of which language is transmitted through;where as spoken discource differs from written discourse;
Style;is departual normal;various styles are used to people who arte un familiar and people who are un familiar to one another do differ;
Province;Is the place of which language occurs or takes place where as scintific language differs from religious language.
status;is a social position of some one to the society where as for example language used by the boss to employers differs from that employers use to the boss.
formality/modality.This is formal or informal,means where language is put in to use where as as for school institutions formal language is used rather than the informal language used in streets.
There as;langauage differs in its use due to these factors given above but on addition to this reading there are faactors that lead to language variation which are also as follows.
Age;Old people speak differently from youths where as youths tend to use slang.
sex,Women and men differ in there talking hence creating language variation
province';is a specific area where langauage occurs hence langauage used in scince differs from that used in religion.
status.social position of people in the society where as employees tend to speak differenly from employers.
Ethnic bsckground,is the background of some one in terms of mother tongue of which people are affected by there mother tongue.
Topic.topic said makes language used differ.
Medium.is a means of which language is transmitted where as speken language differs from written language;
Education;Educated people tend to speak language differently from un educated people hence crfeating language variation.
There as ,these where my findings that i wished to share tou you,whish you all the best and happy day.
written by Havin Charles
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