Deusi Fulgency's 2017 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $150 from 2 donors Needs $0


Deusi is number 2 in his class. His father and mother are unable to satisfy the needs at both the school and at home. They are small peasants. Deusi likes physics. To Deusi, education is like a shield in the battle ground.

Where your donation goes

Total $150
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Deusi Fulgency's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2017 Form IV
2016 Form III
2015 Form II


Use the journal feature to write directly to a student

Hi Students!

I just read all the journal entries I have received since October. Such wonderful letters! I am so impressed by how mature and articulate you have become. I’m realizing that I have now been reading some of your journals for 5 years. When I look at your photos, I don’t recognize the child I first knew. You are teenagers now.
I especially love the stories that some of you told in your journals. Moral tales, I call them.

So congratulations for working so hard. I’m hoping you will achieve your goals, go to a university if you want, and become productive members of your community, and able to help others as you have been helped.

I am enjoying retirement. My age of 76 is bringing on a bit of health problems, like arthritis, but I keep active physically and don’t let it stop me from doing what I love to do.

I read a lot. I travel. I go to jazz concerts in San Francisco. I would love to return to Kenya and Tanzania for a visit. I’d love to visit your school. Maybe it will happen. Who knows?

So keep up the great efforts. I know it can’t be easy, but this is such a wonderful opportunity.

Very fondly, Susan
I am already complete ordinal level education and I am now at home doing different activity ,in this month a very important activity is that I was plan a small garden for vegetable ,because I was plan this it may gave me profit. So as I can proceed well with my life at home .

When I was at school I was studied a lot of thing like political thing social and economic this I obtain from the different subject at the school.and it was helpful to me because I use the knowledge that I obtain to perform different activity like the knowledge of agriculture I use it to establish a small garden at home for better vitamin for my family.

The knowledge that I obtain from the school I apply it in to the different aspect like to solve different problem in the society like poverty,at my society.
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