Lightness H.'s 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $175 from 0 donors Needs $0


Class Rank: 9/244 The most difficult experience I had early in my life is the day when my grandfather died. I learn that we can't live forever in this world and death can happen to anyone at anytime. My dream is to be a doctor so I can treat sick people so they don't have to die. In order to reach my dream I need to study hard and do well in Biology. The moment I felt proud of myself is the day when my mom told me that I passed the National Examination of Class 7. The happiest moment in my life is the day when my father got a new job. After I become a doctor, I would like to have my own hospital to help people in my community. I will also make donation to the School Fund so more poor children can get education.

Where your donation goes

Total $175
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Lightness H.'s Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 4
2017 Form 3
2016 Form 2


Use the journal feature to write directly to a student

Hi School Fund Students

Sorry it took me a while to write to you. For those of you who is receiving my journal the first time, let me introduce myself.

My name is Indy. I am currently living at the same town as Ms Judy. She and I went to high school together. I am so happy to have this opportunity to get to know you.

I used to work with computers for many many years. Do you like to use computers?

Yesterday I met with some of my old school friends for lunch. These are the friends I have for almost 50 years. We talked about our school days when we were 12 years old.
It brought many happy memories.

Do you enjoy your school? Now is the time to form good friendship with your classmates? What do you do with your classmates? Do you study together? Do you talk and share secrets? I know you have a lot of study to do. Hopefully you can find some time to do some fun stuff with your friends.

Please write back to let me know what interests you.

Until next time,
your friend,
Hello madam Judy.
I hope you are fine.I want share with you a little about RESEARCH.
Research is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem, concern, or issue using the scientific method.
Research may be very broadly defined as systematic gathering of data and information and its analysis for advancement of knowledge in any subject.
Characteristics of research include the following:

1 Empirical – research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.
2 Logical – research is based on valid procedures and principles.
Cyclical – research starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
3 Analytical – research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering data, whether historical, descriptive, experimental, and case study.
4 Critical – research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
5 Methodical – research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures.
5 Replicability – research design and procedures are repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
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