Fadhili Julius's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $175 from 0 donors Needs $0


I live with my both parents in Karatu ward in Karatu district. My family depends on day workers’ wage to provide for our needs. Sometimes wages are hard to get because my father is not always employed. I face problems with school requirement like uniforms and books. I make effort in my school classes to perform. My dream is to become a pilot because there are few pilots in our country. My country’s great focus is on industry and industries need skilled people like me. Being selected for secondary school was the happiest moment for me. I know there are so many who were not selected. It was a privilege to me. Four years from now, I will be in form 6.

Where your donation goes

Total $175
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Fadhili Julius's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 2


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Dear Students,
How are you? We hope you are making the most of being in school, enjoying your teachers and friends and studying hard. It is so important that you do well so you will have the freedom to work in the career that you choose. I am an artist and i always wish I could go back to school to learn more and be able to excel. You are very lucky to get this education . . . Spend your time studying and you will be happy that you did!

This year has gone by quickly and you just have a month to study hard for your upcoming exams and make the best of this year.
We are all thinking of you and wish you good luck and lots of courage.

All the very best with your exams, Kate Adams
Hello Kate.I understand about iron age and iron tools.Through them we are now able do several activities in our life.
Iron age is the period in which man made and use iron tools instead of stone and bone tools. Iron had reached in East Africa by 200BC and by 200AD had been carried out to South by ancestors of the modern Bantu.The early iron age began for about 100 to 1000AD. It was during this period when man started how to grow food crops. Between 1000AD and 1500AD population was increased due to increase in food production. By 1500AD man invented more iron tools such as iron axe, arrows, swords, daggas etc.These were found at Engaruka, Lake Victoria, Uvinza, Karagwe and Ugweno in Kilimanjaro, Maganja of Malawi, Futa Djalon of Nigeria Venda of Malawi and Mashona.
Characteristics of iron age
1.Division of labour and specialization started. Some became pastoralists and others become agriculturalists
2.Food production increased due increase in iron tools production.
3. More permanent settlement were observed.
4.The emergence of feudalism in some areas i.e the increase in the private ownership of major means of production.
5.Population become increased due to more production.
6.Iron tools were more stronger and sharper as the day went on.
7.There was diversification of economy among the people such as trade, agriculture, iron smelting and architect.
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