Agripina Emanuel's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $175 from 0 donors Needs $0


My happiest moments in life were as follows: I passed standard 7 national examinations and I knew I would attend secondary school. The second was the healing of my mother’s ulcer. She was so much disturbed by that illness. The third was when my brother passed his form 2 national examination. I was happy because I love it that my brother and sister attend school. The difficulty I face is poverty. My mother has no job. She has applied for jobs but not succeeded. This situation is affecting my education because there is no food to take to school, no uniforms or bags. I want to be a doctor. I like it because I hate diseases in our country. Through listening to our teachers, reading books, and having leadership skills, I can do it.

Where your donation goes

Total $175
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Agripina Emanuel's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 2


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Dear Students,
How are you? Your exams must be coming up shortly and we are hopeful that you are studying very hard in order to do well. It is so important that you do well so you will have the freedom to work in the career that you choose. I am an artist and i always wish I could go back to school to learn more and be able to excel. You are very lucky to get this education . . . Spend your time studying and you will be happy that you did!

This year has gone by quickly and you just have a month to study hard and make the best of this year.
We are all thinking of you and wish you the very best with your exams.
Fondly, Kate Adams
Hello Jenny. I know how to determine my age and dates now since i learn it from our history topic.
Ways of determining dates
There are two sets of ways to determine dates.
• Local methods
• Scientific methods
Local methods are simple methods whereby dates are fixed through;
• recalling facts relating events
• tracing family chronologies
• tracing the origin of languages
Scientific methods involve experiment in laboratories whereby material remains are studied through such processes as;
• Radio Active Dating (Radio metric)
• Radio Carbon Dating (Radio Carbon 14)
Dividing time is in starting of 0, which is the year when Jesus Christ was born .A.D. (Anno Domino) is the years after the birth of Jesus Christ and they are known as years of the Lord. B.C. are years before the birth of Jesus Christ. (Before Chris)
Muslims start their calendar at Hijra A.H (Al Hijra or after Hijra) this is when Prophet Muhammad S.A.W fled from Mecca to Medina in order to spread Islam in the year 622 A.D. He was born in the year 570 A.D. and died in the year 632 A.D.
Historians use chronological order of events, periods and ages such as family tree, time lines, time charts and time graphs to tell time.
1 day 24 hours
1 week 7 days
1 year 12 month
1 month 4 weeks
1 year 365 days
1 decade 10 years
1 century 100 years or 10 decades
1 millennium 1000 years or 10 centuries
A generation A group of people born in the same period, or it refers to the average differences in age between a child and his/her parents.
Methods of dating in history
Carbon 14
This is the scientific method of determining dates in history and it is the most common and modern method of determining dates in history. The archaeologists commonly use this method after discovering remains.
Radiocarbon dating
During the life time all living animals and vegetable matter absorbs a minute amount radioactive carbon (carbon 14) from the atmosphere. After death the level of carbon 14 in the object gradually declines at a steady, measurable rate. Thus by measuring the amount of carbon 14 in ancient fragments of the former living matter such as born or charcoal, scientists are able to calculate the approximate age of the object. The results are never very accurate but they are an invaluable aid to the archaeologists concerning more with the chronology than with the very precise dates.
Language dating
Historical events can be dated by the use of language. Here some word used in a given language can help to understand when a given event occurred. For example in Kiswahili there are some words that are used that they do tell when a given events took place for example the use of the word ‘Karafuu’ marks the beginning of the use of cloves in East Africa.
Remembering changes and event dating
Events can help in dating history for example famine, harvesting period, tsunami, hurricanes etc. By using these changes one is able to tell what event took place and also reflect the time at which that event took place.
Order of event dating
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