Hosea Nyamhanga's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $200 from 0 donors Needs $0


In my early life, my challenges included the death of my parents. It was just four month after my birth according to the neighbors. I grew up lonely with my grandmother and she died four years later. This affected my education. I had no one to buy school uniforms for me. But I hope to succeed in my life. I feel confident and have passed different levels of exams. I have done day contract labor so that I can pay for a school fees and continue with my studies. I am grateful that the struggle has brought me to the level I am. The challenge has taught me that life is difficult but always you should struggle because there is a future. Meeting challenges makes someone succeed. My happiest moment is will be when I succeed in reaching my goal. One day I will be help needy people with their problems.

Where your donation goes

Total $200
  • School Fees

Hosea Nyamhanga's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 6
2017 Form 5


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Hi madam Judy,
My name is Hosea N.Wambura,a mamber of school fund of Tanzania.Im from Karatu Boys high school a form five student.
First of all I would like to thank our God almight for beautiful and fantastic year he has provided to us.
I my self im fine and I think you are fine too,that is the beautful think we thank for.
I proud to finish the first term of my studing journey.purposefully I enjoyed mostly after joining in school fund of tanzania.That is the beautiful thing that makes me happy all the time and always makes me study freely.
The memorable thing I would like to share with you is the first day I joined Karatu Boys high school.
Surely,it was the difficult time to me to cope with the enviroment because it was my first time to study in boarding school.I felt unhappy and mostly how to make a good relationship with the people who I never meet in my life.But wonderful enough I tried to communicate with my fellow and I knew that some of them are coming from the region I came from.
That is where I started to cope with enviroment of Karatu Boys high school,but I got hard time to select good friends that will be able to help me when I have any kind of problems.
But I knew that I have to choose the friends who will stand before me when the millions of people are against me.I thank God that I did it carefully after studing of the behaviour of all selected ones.
The most challenging think I have to deal with during my break is how make sure that all members of the society are aware on the importance of education to their children more especially girls.
Peacefully I have to deal with it because many children especially girls are not getting right to education,this is because of poor beliefs were people they do believe that educating a girl child is just to loose the money because they are going to be married.That is the beliefs of our societies.
In my mind I know that,the destiny of the great kingdom is on the sholders of the young man who is me.Now during my break I have to do this so that to make sure that society is aware on the importance of educating children without considering their sex.
Finally, I thank you for golden opportunity you provided to me,making me to be a mamber of school fund.Im always praying to God so that he can pay you more than what you are giving us, because only few people are having the spirit of helping people like what you are doing to me.I will always do better so that to make sure that you are not losting your money.
Hello Jenny.How are you.The earth we live on is the moving body around the sun. You can amaze how god have created everything with its design.
The motions of bodies in the solar system are, for the most part, regular and understandable. From Earth, the Sun
rises in the eastern sky in the morning and sets in the western sky in the evening. If the Moon is full on Day 1, it
will be full again on Day 28, and new on Day 14. The motions of Earth relative to the Sun, and the motions of the
Moon and Sun relative to Earth affect different phenomena on Earth, including day and night, the seasons, tides, and
phases of the Moon.
Day-Night Cycle
Earth rotates once on its axis about every 24 hours. To an observer cooling down on the North Pole, the rotation
appears counterclockwise. From nearly all points on Earth, the Sun appears to move across the sky from east to west
each day. Of course, the Sun is not moving from east to west at all; Earth is rotating. The Moon and stars also seem
to rise in the east and set in the west.
Earth’s rotation means that there is a cycle of daylight and darkness approximately every 24 hours, the length of a
day. Different places experience sunset and sunrise at different times and the amount of time a location is in daylight
and darkness also differs by location.
Shadows are areas where an object obstructs a light source so that darkness takes on the form of the object. On
Earth, a shadow can be cast by the Sun, Moon or, rarely, Mercury or Venus.
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