Paulo Patrick's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $200 from 0 donors Needs $0


I live with my mother and my family comprises so many people. This is a challenge to me because the resources available are shared by all. The economic situation does not support education. My family is not aware of the importance of education so they pay very little to invest on it. This challenge requires me to be courageous in my learning and I am sure that I will perform well. My dream is to be a doctor. I choose that because I want to help sick people around the world. In order to reach this dream I will study hard. My happiest moment was when I selected to join A-Level secondary school. S many were not chosen but I got this chance. Two years from now I will be in university.

Where your donation goes

Total $200
  • School Fees

Paulo Patrick's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 6
2017 Form 5


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Hello madam Judy. Hoping that you are doing well to me I am fine too, things are going well in my life also my study. At home I was still studying at tuition until the holiday finished. There are things that I am learning when I was at home that is the only way that can help me to reach my destinations is to struggle means suffering since I plan to be a professional doctor [a hard position], Instead of that there is the most important thing and that is GOD must be everything to me, Through working on his way he will made me to be a huge one AND IN THIS TERM IF GOD WILL BE WITH ME I WILL DO THE MOST WONDERFUL THINGS IN ALL CASES OF MY LIFE AND YOU APPRECIATE MY GOD. Starting tomorrow the first week in the second term starts I will struggle and I promise you up to last examination of this term you will see the best results as the lord lives. ITS ME PAUL PATRICK LUPOKELA KARATU HIGH SCHOOL
Hello Jenny.i am okay.we have started our holiday break this months and I will celebrate with my friends the Christmas and new year 2018.
i will be making many survey concerning our class topic such as or planet Earth. Earth as a Planetary Body
Earth is an inner planet in the solar system and it is very much like the other inner planets, at least in its size, shape,
and composition. But many features make Earth very different from the planets and any other planet that we know
of so far.
Earth’s Shape
Earth is a sphere or, more correctly, an oblate spheroid, which is a sphere that is a bit squished down at the poles and
bulges a bit at the equator. Or to be more technical, the minor axis (the diameter through the poles) is smaller than
the major axis (the diameter through the equator). Half of the sphere is a hemisphere. North of the equator is the
northern hemisphere and south of the equator is the southern hemisphere. Eastern and western hemispheres are also
What evidence is there that Earth is spherical? What evidence was there before spaceships and satellites?
Try to design an experiment involving a ship and the ocean to show Earth is round. If you are standing on the shore
and a ship is going out to sea, the ship gets smaller as it moves further away from you but the ship’s bottom also
starts to disappear as the vessel goes around the arc of the planet There are many other ways that
early scientists and mariners knew that Earth was not flat.

Earth’s curvature is noticeable when objects
at a distance are below the arc.
Even the ancient Greeks knew that Earth was round by observing the arc shape of the shadow on the Moon during
a lunar eclipse. NASA has an animation of a lunar eclipse here:
The Sun and the other planets of the solar system are also spherical. Larger satellites, those that have enough mass
for their gravitational attraction to have made them round, are as well.
Earth’s Magnetism
Earth has a magnetic field that behaves as if the planet had a gigantic bar magnet inside of it. Earth’s
magnetic field also has a north and south pole and a magnetic field that surrounds it. The magnetic field arises from
the convection of molten iron and nickel metal in Earth’s outer liquid iron core.
Earth’s magnetic field extends several thousand kilometers into space. The magnetic field shields the planet from
harmful radiation from the Sun .
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