Aidan Ezekia's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $200 from 0 donors Needs $0


During 2014, I faced many challenges. The most difficult one was my parents’ failure to pay school fees since there was no free education. Teachers rushed me home so as I could get money to pay school fees. I stayed home waiting for school fees while others were in school learning effectively. After three weeks, I returned to school, but I faced a lot of things to catch up on in my subjects. I was disappointed by that situation. In my form 2 national examination, I score higher marks. These marks make me happy and proud of myself. I thanked the teachers who taught us well and helped us pass our national examination. My dream is to reach university and become a bachelor of chemistry. I’ll work hard, be attentive to the teachers and read a lot of books.

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Total $200
  • School Fees

Aidan Ezekia's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 6
2017 Form 5


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Hello madam Judy, Fear not your fine just same to me. Miss you madam since long time no see you but again I would like to thank a God for blessing you to pass from 2017 to new year 2018.madam let me wish a good life for this happy new year 2018.For today madam I want to share with about a nice holiday that have passed away soon after opening the school. Madam during my holiday I spent at Dodoma University to my brother in order to judge them various ways that helped them to pass their national exam during advance level. In short I was enjoyed the life of university and encouraged me to study hard so as to fulfill my dreams of reaching university. Madam during that holiday I spent to ask various questions concerning my studies to many student of Dodoma University who are taking chemistry and biology apart from studies, I was participating in sports and games with university students, this one helped me to interact with many student from different colleges of Dodoma University. Madam I would like to promise you that I will make sure that I’m fighting even to last cell in order to pass my national exam. Lastly I would like to inform you that the terminal results have not yet displayed so still now we are waiting for it, but our teacher have told us soon after Monday will be displayed on the board, but midterm test I got division one as I have promised you madam. Thank you madam wish you good life and let God bless you for all of your activities in this happy new year 2018.
Hello Jenny.thank you for your journal.I just want to share the part of the topic which i went through.
1.Principle of notification; Each power which claimed any part of African territory was required to inform the other European power that had signed the treaty in order to avoid crushes among themselves.
2. Principle of effective occupation or control; European powers which claimed any part of Africa would be recognized by the other power if it was effectively occupied by such European powers lie under this clause. The claimants were supposed to develop their areas through their missionaries, trading companies and explorers and by starting economic activities.
3. King Leopold was allowed to rule Congo; But the Congo River was left free zone for all nations. In this case the basin was in international highway.
4. Freedom of navigation; the conference declared that, Congo River, Niger River and other big Rivers as a free for international navigation i.e. Niger River under the authority of Britain and the Congo River under authority of Belgium.
5. Abolition of slave trade; Each European power which attended the meeting had to abolish slave trade in African territory and should further extend its sphere of influence from the coastal regions to the internal land and draw political boundaries.
The Berlin conference involved division of colonies to the imperial trading companies’ e.g.
• BEACO - Kenya
• BSACO - South Africa, S. Rhodesia, N. Rhodesia
• GEACO - Tanganyika, Rwanda and Burundi
Others involved:
• Germany - Cameroon, Togo
• France - Congo, Kinshasa, Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal etc.
• Belgium - Congo Brazzaville
• Portugal - Angola and Mozambique
There were two steps of dividing Africa.
a) Anglo German agreement of 1886; The Western boundaries was not drawn between Kenya and Tanganyika. Competition of Uganda was high due to soil fertility, high population and being the source of River Nile. British feared German to control Uganda. There was treaty signed by the Kabaka Mwanga and the Nabongo Sekwanga Mumia in Western Kenya. Therefore the rivalry between them led to another agreement.
b) The Anglo Germany agreement or Heligoland treaty 1890. Germany recognized Uganda and Kenya as British sphere of influence. Germany recognized Zanzibar as the British protectorate and the rest of the sultan’s dominion. German lost the Witu which became under British possession in Kenya. In compensation for Witu, Germany was given Heligoland an Island off the coast of Germany in the North Sea to use it as a military base. German continued to rule Tanganyika and she acquired coastal strip from the sultan of Zanzibar by buying the areas as compensation to the sultan for possession, then the German controlled ports of Tanga, Bagamoyo, Dar es Salaam, Kilwa and Mikindani and other parts of Tanganyika. The western boundaries between Tanganyika, Uganda and Kenya were defined .Uganda become British protectorate.
The Significance of the Berlin Conference to Africa
Assess the significance of the Berlin conference to Africa
1) The Berlin conference abolished slave trade; Colonial agents were sent to Africa to campaign against slavery and slave trade. This went hand in hand with the introduction of legitimate trade. Through this legitimate trade cheap European goods were exchanged with African raw materials like cotton, coffee, sisal, palm oil and groundnuts.
NB Legitimate trade was the trade in natural commodities i.e. European manufactured goods with African raw materials.
2) Division of some African ethnic groups; This denied the natural boundaries that had existed for example Makonde in Tanzania, and Mozambique, Maasai and Luo in East Africa, Ewe in Ghana and Gambia.
3) Suffering of African people; This happened during the penetration of the colonial rule in Africa. Those who tried to resist were crushed to death e.g. during the Samouri Toure resistance the Mandinka were killed, the same applied to majimaji resistance.
4) Conference opened the interior of Africa for colonization; All important areas in the interior were opened and colonized by the colonial powers. The European established various activities in the interior of Africa basing on the resources available in particular territory.
5) The conference solved the issue of Congo crisis; Which would have resulted in to European war. Many European powers were competing to get some areas in Congo. This may led to the conflicts of two powers in one area.
6) The conference set up chain of problem for the future generation of Africa; The map of Africa which was introduced during colonial rule divided the people who are in one group into different group. This led to the conflicts with themselves.
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