Amos Batholomayo's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $200 from 0 donors Needs $0


I came from the Manyara Region; I am now at Karatu Secondary School for Advanced level. My life has passed with various challenges. Our family lives in the areas where the soil has no fertility. The yields we obtain are so little that it does not support our entire life. The farm that we depend on is very small. We have no cattle; our house is poor and made of sticks. This challenge was very hard for me especially in my academic performance. I got to A-Level with help and assistance. I didn’t pay the school fees since I had no money. My dream is to become a doctor. I can get there by studying harder and harder. I will be very happy if one day I reach my goal. Two years from now I will be in university.

Where your donation goes

Total $200
  • School Fees

Amos Batholomayo's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 6
2017 Form 5


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Hello madam Jenny,
My name is Amos B Doriye from Karatu high this month of November I learn a lot of things include of class session for example I can take one of the characteristics of livings as my journal of today which is CO-ORDINATION.
In CO-ORDINATION I learn that body has 0rganized with nerves cell which help In transmission of electrical impulse through out the Central Nervous system[Brain and Spinal cord] and others nervous system include of Peripheral Nervous system.
Nerves Cell are the one which play part in transmission of electrical impulse within The body of human being. Nerves cells categorized into three types that is Sensory Nerves Cell, Relay nerves Cell and Motor Nerves Cell. Each of this three type of cell contain its own function function for example sensory nerves cell help to transmit impulse from receptor towards the Relay neurons in which it plays the role of connecting sensory cells with motor cells and this cell help to transmit impulse to the nervous system and after interpretation of impulse it return back the information towards the effector so this all shows how the nerves cell work under coordination of different organs.
Experience I got from this explanation on coordination I can applied in different areas for example when I will be a doctor I can use this knowledge during surgical process that I should not cut off any of the nerves cells that would result to the death of a person as well as others biggest effect include of paralyzing of the part of the body due to the impulse that require to be sent to the central nervous system[CNS] failed due to that there is no connection or coordination between different organs of the body.
Hello madam Jenny,
My name is Amos B Doriye from Karatu high this month of November I learn a lot of things include of class session for example I can take one of the characteristics of livings as my journal of today which is CO-ORDINATION.
In CO-ORDINATION I learn that body has 0rganized with nerves cell which help In transmission of electrical impulse through out the Central Nervous system[Brain and Spinal cord] and others nervous system include of Peripheral Nervous system.
Nerves Cell are the one which play part in transmission of electrical impulse within The body of human being. Nerves cells categorized into three types that is Sensory Nerves Cell, Relay nerves Cell and Motor Nerves Cell. Each of this three type of cell contain its own function function for example sensory nerves cell help to transmit impulse from receptor towards the Relay neurons in which it plays the role of connecting sensory cells with motor cells and this cell help to transmit impulse to the nervous system and after interpretation of impulse it return back the information towards the effector so this all shows how the nerves cell work under coordination of different organs.
Experience I got from this explanation on coordination I can applied in different areas for example when I will be a doctor I can use this knowledge during surgical process that I should not cut off any of the nerves cells that would result to the death of a person as well as others biggest effect include of paralyzing of the part of the body due to the impulse that require to be sent to the central nervous system[CNS] failed due to that there is no connection or coordination between different organs of the body.
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