Mussa Ramadhan's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $175 from 0 donors Needs $0


When I grow up I would like to be a pilot. I will study hard in school to prevent losing the golden chance that I have got from the School Fund. I want to be a pilot. It was my dream when I was younger and it is now. The happiest moment in my life was when I passed my last primary school exam. I felt that my dream could come true as I continued my educational. Sometimes there are difficult experiences, like when I want something I cannot have at the time it is needed but with the School Fund I hope that problem will be solved. I felt proud of myself when I got high marks in my studies.

Where your donation goes

Total $175
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Mussa Ramadhan's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 2


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Hello madam Judy
I hope you are fine and I am fine too. Today I want to tell you about something else called classification of living things .The term classification refers to the way of grouping organisms due to their similarities and differences .Classification enables us to make research of organisms all over the world because classification gives organisms scientific names that are used all over the world and also classification enable scientists to make predictions .There are seven ranks of classification these are 1.kingdom 2.phylum or division for plants 3.class
4.order 6.genus 7.species
These are the main 7 ranks of classification and each of them have its characteristics.

Mussa Ramadhan rashid
Hello madam Judy today i want to tell you about our country Tanzania.This is a combanition of two country called Tanganyika and Zanzibar.These two country joined together in 1964.The main leaders were J.Kambarage Nyerere who was the first president of Tanzania and A.Karume who was the first president of Zanzibar.This two leaders joined their counties together after got their independence .They joined together these countries in order to share together many different things like social and political things. Now days this country have develop many things because of this cooperation and we are still thanking our leaders because they have done a lot for us .
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