Nyakau Dotto's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $375 from 0 donors Needs $0


I live with my grandmother in a village. My dream is to become a doctor who can operate on pregnant mothers. I would like to do that job because my mother died and left a young child who she was delivering. I was proud of myself when my grandmother told me that I was going to secondary school. I like so much to study but there had been no money to pay school fees. When my grandmother told me, I was happy. My happiest moments are when I study hard and pass my all examinations. The difficult experience that I had in my life was to fail to go to school after I completed my class 7. I was at home for two years because there was no money to pay for me and that year was the year that my mother died. For the next four years, I want to read many books and study many, many things that I want in my future. I will like to say thanks for The School Fund. I promise to study hard and get a good result.

Where your donation goes

Total $375
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Nyakau Dotto's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 2


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I hope this message finds you well. How is everything going with you? I am in my senior year, that means I have to deal with college applications while taking quite a few difficult courses. However, I think I enjoy the challenge. I like all my classes, especially AP Studio Art class. I need to prepare more than 20 pieces of art work before next May for this class. It is both challenging and rewarding. How is your school? What classes are you taking? I hope you are doing well.


Hello mom Judy
I hope your fine and back to me am doing well too.First i would like to thanks you for every thing that you have done and still doing to me because without you i could have been nothing in this wolrd.
The fund that you gave me has given to me the knowledge and spirit of hard working so that i can archieve the goals that i set in my life.
About the class subjects i real likes mathematics,physics,chemistry and biology because those are the subjects that can lead me to archieve a goal of being a doctor.
Time for free i real likes to read story books and playing different games like volleyball and football.Although i can do all this but still i can maintain in my studies,I usually rank at sixth position out of fourty five students.

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