Jacqueline Julius's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $200 from 0 donors Needs $0


My biggest ambition is to be a pharmacist. My aim is to help patients with diseases. I know that I can’t reach there if I don’t do my best. I will study hard so that I can reach my destiny. Not only do I want to help the patients, but I also want to help my family to the better life we deserve. I felt proud of myself is when I performed well in my secondary final exams by getting Division I. At that moment, I felt that all four years I spent struggling at school wasn’t for nothing. The happiest moment of my life was when my mother was proud of me after my final exams and gave me her blessing. That is a moment I will never forget. My mother always supports and encourages me. Not only my mother but also my brothers were proud and happy for me. In my life the most difficult experience I had was after my parents separated due to my father’s bad treatment of my mother. I was only five years old. After that, my mother carried all the responsibility of raising me and my two brothers with nobody’s help. This is the reason I study hard. I want to help my mother so that she can rest after all those times.

Where your donation goes

Total $200
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Jacqueline Julius's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 6
2017 Form 5


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Hi School fund students

How are you? How is school?

I enjoy reading your journal. I would love to learn about your life. You can write back to tell me about your family, like how many brothers and sister do you have? Do you have good friends? What do you do with your friends? Do you like music? Do you like to sing or dance? Do you like sports? What makes you happy? What do you do when you are out of school? What do you do to help your families? See, I have so many questions. Please write back to tell me your stories.

Thank you and hope you have a new school year.

Hello again the school fund team , now i would like to share with you one of subtopics in biology that is ENZYMES.ENZYMES are the biological catalyst which are protein in nature used to spread up the rate of the reaction but remain unchanged at the end of reaction. But for today i would like to share with you on some of characteristics of enzyme as follows;
1.Enzymes are catalyst, means they spread up the rate of reaction.
2.Enzymes posses active sites where the reaction takes place.
3.Enzymes are protein in nature.
4.Enzymes are specific since they catalyse only a single reaction for a single enzyme.
5.The catalysible reaction is reversible.
Not only enzymes are characterized as shown above but there are several characteristics of enzymes. For today that is all i wanted to share with you my beloved school fund team.......!!!!
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