Vaileth John's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $200 from 0 donors Needs $0


I am the first born in a family of five children. I lived with my parents till I started my primary education. When I was in standard 5, my grandmother took me in so I could help her with domestic chores. This was due to family conflict between my father and my mother that caused us harder times. My father left all responsibilities for us to my mother who had nothing except a small patch to cultivate around our home. My father sold all other lands. From that conflict, I learned that as children we were psychologically affected. I started failing my exams. At first, my dream was to be a teacher but now I would like to be a lecturer. I wish to accomplish this even though I face many problems. I must study hard and focus on accomplishing my goal. When I was a form 2 student, I was the best student in my class although many times I was chased away from school for failing to pay school fees. One day, I was called in front of my fellow students and our second headmaster announced that he had seen my struggle and would pay my school fees till the end of O-level. I felt so proud of myself. That was a happy day and the day when my form 4 national examination results came out was a happy day. Two years from now, I want to have finished my A-level studies and be at university.

Where your donation goes

Total $200
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Vaileth John's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 6
2017 Form 5


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Hi School fund students

How are you? How is school?

I enjoy reading your journal. I would love to learn about your life. You can write back to tell me about your family, like how many brothers and sister do you have? Do you have good friends? What do you do with your friends? Do you like music? Do you like to sing or dance? Do you like sports? What makes you happy? What do you do when you are out of school? What do you do to help your families? See, I have so many questions. Please write back to tell me your stories.

Thank you and hope you have a new school year.

once again i like to share with you one story about me when iwas in standard two used to take care of my grand mom's donkey one the donkeys start chsing each other then i afraid and run away to climb on a tree i cried alot till my grand mom here and come to help me
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