Kevin's 2016 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $350 from 2 donors Needs $0


Kevin elected to write his application essay about his uncle, a person he greatly admires. Kevin impressed us with the level of reflection and detail in his writing, as he took care to describe his uncle's specific achievements (which ranged from completing college to singing) and what they meant to Kevin. After he finishes high school, Kevin plans to go to college to get a degree in Agricultural Engineering. He feels this career path will allow him to provide his village with much needed technical advice.

Where your donation goes

Total $350
  • Tuition
  • School Supplies
  • Uniform
  • Food
  • Transport
  • Boarding Fees

Kevin's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2016 12th Grade
2015 11th Grade
2014 10th Grade


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Hi Kevin,
Good luck with your studies!
take care,
Christy Turner

Thank you for writing to me. I enjoyed reading about your life and plans. I myself grew up in a farming community in California. My father was a teacher who taught agricultural engineering and economics. The school was called "California Polytechnic" and it started as a high school, but it later became a college and even later a university. As a boy I would go with my father to the fields and see the cows, pigs and sheep. His philosophy of education was "Learn by doing" and, of course, he also believed in learning mathematics, science and the technologies of agriculture. It is wonderful to see that you have chosen a good course of study and that you have fine teachers who encourage you to have big dreams. Futbol is one of my favorite sports too. Do you play the game? If so, what position?
My best wishes,
Langdon Winner
Langdon: The Bible is my favorite book. Futbol (soccer) is my favorite sport
(translated by Few for Change staff)
I need this scholarships to continue studying and to achieve my dream of being an agricultural engineer in the future. In order to help my community I have a great need for technical training. My teachers often have me busy cooridnating student activities in school such as planning a mural, taking care of birds, and other agricultural activities. After graduating, I want to be an technical assistant for the farmers of my Ngabe community and to produce from the Earth. After finishing middle school I want to study agriculture in high school and then continue studying in the university to achieve the title of Agricultural Engineer. I need economic support to pay for my studies, housing, and transportation so I can make this dream a reality.
Hola, Kevin. Mucho éxito con sus estudios. Soy un profesor de la universidad de Nueva York. Es posible que haya conocido a mi hijo, Brooks Winner. ¿Cuál es tu libro favorito? ¿Juegas algún deporte?
Estimado Kevin,
Te mando un saludo cordial, amigo! Espero que este dinero te ayude en la escuela. Que te vaya bien!

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