Apas is a student from Uganda. She needs $5000 to stay in school and is currently 55% toward her goal.

Raised $2775 from 5 donors Needs $2225


Finding the money to pay tuition fees was a common worry for many Apas Secondary School students. It was not unusual for students to have to leave school for weeks at a time to work until they could scrape together enough money for tuition. Students in this difficult situation approached the Educate! Leadership and Entrepreneurship training with incredible enthusiasm and dedication. Students at the Apas Student Business Club initiated a business selling flowers and plants, by collecting used water bottles, planting flowers and herbs and selling them for cooking, medicinal, and aesthetic purposes. Additionally, students have sold homemade popcorn packaged in recycled paper bags branded with a logo they designed. Many of the students have started individual businesses as well, using profits from their businesses to pay for school fees and necessities, or to improve their businesses. They say they're less stressed now that they have the ability to generate income to pay their tuition and fees. {link ?c=info&t=community&m=esbs Learn more} about Educate!, Schools Building Schools and The School Fund's partnership to fund four Ugandan schools!

Where your donation goes

Total $5000
  • Mentor
  • Office, Procurement And Distribution
  • Materials
  • Mentor Training
  • School Coordinator
  • Retreats
  • Transport
  • Staff, Oversight And Program Development
  • Program Planning And Administration

Apas's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2015 Entrepreneurship and Leadership Program


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good will and better study....................
mmmmmmh study hard in order to archive your future!!!!what is your ambition?
ooooh right!!!!I need your cooperation in any situation and I gives you the way of study..... study through Rachel pi you an et may material also seeking the awesome advice from others
diana p,
Good luck!

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100% of your donations to students fund their education.

  • Seraphine




    The experience that I had early in life was to score good marks in my class, whereby I got good grades which encouraged me to study hard in class. The difficult experience that occurred in my life was an accident on my way back home. I learnt that I should not play again in bad areas. In my life I am proud of myself. I was getting low marks in class but now I have managed to improve a lot. The most memorable and happiest thing in my life is to play football. It exercises my body regularly and hence strengthens my body system. My dream is to become a mechanical engineer. The best way to reach it is through studying hard in school, in physics, mathematics and chemistry. If I had power in my country, I would change the education system of the country so that it helps graduates to depend more on self-employment.

    School Year 2024

  • Gideon




    I have experience planting vegetables because my parents do that. Also, we have a garden at our home. Therefore, that is experience I have had in life. Apart from that experience, I also had a difficult experience when I failed my geography exam. That enabled me to learn how to cooperate with other students. I was so proud of myself when I performed well in my national exam. The memorable and happiest moment in my life will be when I reach my dream of being pilot. I will be so happy. My biggest dream is to be a pilot. I will get there through studying hard in physics, geography, and mathematics. After reaching my dream, I will help my parents to modify their cultivation system and to become professional farmers. From there they can expand the area of cultivation into a large plantation. Once I get a chance to have the power to change my country, I will build many airports in each region and some districts. This will help in the flexibility of transportation in my country.

    School Year 2024

  • Godfridi




    Experiences in my life are when I failed my examination during primary education and also when my parents failed to pay food for me. My difficult experiences in my life are when my parents have insufficient enough money to pay for all my basic needs at school such as food and other school contributions. The thing that makes me feel so proud of myself is when I succeeded in joining O-level education. This makes me feel that I will, I must, I can do everything. The most memorable and happiest thing in my life will be to reach my dream of being a doctor general so as I can help other people in society. My future dream is to be a GOOD surgical doctor. After me reaching my dream, I will give back help to my society and family, but also to WEF. I need to work hard upon reaching my dream in my life. Once I get chance to have power of changing anything in country, I will improve the education system by converting science subjects from theory to practical. In most of our schools, they teach science subjects mostly theoretically. I will start from there because as we know education is the key to every success in our people.

    School Year 2024

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