Sakshi is fully funded for 2016, as well as for the current funding year.

Sakshi's 2017 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $500 from 6 donors Needs $0


Sakshi has dreamed from age 9 of being a police officer after learning about India’s first female policewoman. Despite her parents support, she was unable to continue her education in the village due to financial constraints and her parents made the decision to send her to a government residential school for girls. Joining the school in class 6th, she topped her class. She has never looked back since. Performing well in academics, she also participates in every single school function doing street plays, dances, speeches, and has won multiple awards for her performances, going as far as being appreciated by the District Magistrate who is the highest ranking administrative officer in a district. She is also passionate about girls’ education and organizes events to stop gender discrimination.

Where your donation goes

Total $500
  • Learning Grant
  • Leadership Training
  • Mentorship

Sakshi's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2017 10th Grade
2016 9th Grade


Use the journal feature to write directly to a student

Dear Sakshi,
I hope hat you're fine and you are going well n you're activities.
I want to ask you a question.
1.Which city are you stay?
2.You are in which form?
3.How about you're region condition, is it cold or hot?
And lastly i want to ask you to teach me how to speak in Hindi. I'll be happy if you teach me until i know how to speak in Hindi.
Have a nice day.
Good bye.
Hello Sakshi
How are you doing?My name is Amina Mohamed a form four student in Miyomboni sec I much Interested with your ambition and wish you nice achievement on it.
Something I thought to ask you that can we share something from now?How about your life plan after passing your goals?And i'm also wants to learn any thing from you.

Hope to hear soon.
Dear Amina M.
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