Agness's 2018 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $175 from 0 donors Needs $0


I live with my grandparents They earn a little money for home needs through seasonal jobs. This is not enough to satisfy my school needs of books, uniforms, and other learning items. My dream is to become a doctor one day. I can reach this by studying hard. I will commit myself to learn as much as possible. I deeply believe in giving back and wish one day to uplift my family and those who are in need. The happiest moment in my life was when I passed the Standard Seven national exam. It made me think that my dreams are on the way to becoming true.

Where your donation goes

Total $175
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Agness's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2018 Form 3
2017 Form 2


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Dear Students,
How are you? Your exams must be coming up shortly and we are hopeful that you are studying very hard in order to do well. It is so important that you do well so you will have the freedom to work in the career that you choose. I am an artist and i always wish I could go back to school to learn more and be able to excel. You are very lucky to get this education . . . Spend your time studying and you will be happy that you did!

This year has gone by quickly and you just have a month to study hard and make the best of this year.
We are all thinking of you and wish you the very best with your exams.
Fondly, Kate Adams
Hello Students,
What an exciting time for you . . . Welcome back to school.
School gives you a chance to change your life, to excel in a subject you love and study hard to continue your education.
We wish you all the best with your classes and your teachers. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it and reach out to your friends to help them too.
We are thinking of you and always enjoying hearing details about your classes and your experiences. . . .so please write in your journals!
All the very best, kate
Dear Students,

A few years ago I came across a list consisting of some habits that are good to get into. I have incorporated these good habits into my daily life and I’d like to share them with you. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.

1. Sleep early, around 9pm - 10pm. After working hard through the day, your body and mind need refreshing. Rest them as soon as possible.
2. Wake up early, around 5am - 6am. Start your day early. That time is the best time for inspiration to come in. After wake up, face the sky and the sun through your window. You will be motivated.
3. Be independent. Do your tasks by yourself. Solve your problem by yourself. Don’t always depend on other people. This doesn’t mean you should not get help from others.
4. Say thank you. Always say those 2 words if you get help from others.
5. Reading. Motivation and inspiration comes from what your eyes scanning for.
6. Writing. Put down in words on things that come to your head. Try to write 1 article per day. Having a diary is also a good approach.
7. Walking. Let sport always get into your day. The simplest one is walking. Keep moving and stay healthy.
8. Meditate. Focus on what you are doing. Finish it first and move to the other one. Don’t do multitasking. You can also meditate by sitting calmly and paying attention to your breath.
9. Help other people. Help people as they need and you are capable of doing it.

Have a great week,
Jonathan Gilbert
Dear students, The semester has gone by quickly. We hope you continue to thrive and enjoy your studies. Life will be much easier later if you study hard now. Your teachers are there to help you and so are we. Each one of you must have a favorite subject, something you love and can do well at . . . That will make you happy! Challenge yourselves in other subjects that might not interest you as much and do the very best you can. You will be surprised . . . You might decide you like those subjects too😄.
We are so proud of you and want only the best for you! Study Hard! We are excited for your futures!!
Thank you for all your accomplishments so far, Kate Adams
Hello Jonathan how are you going in your activities?Back to me I am fine and I am going very well in my studying.i like to say thank you for your gift that is to fund us and to make us so happy because you like to see that we have a good life and to fulfil our goals.that make me happy and give me hope that is one day I can archive my goals.I can archive my goals by studying had and to know what I am doing.In my daily life I like to do the physical exercise that make me to fill well and also I like to help my parent the home activities.Then read about this part of topic .
The growth in population led to an increase in food production and the standard of living. Population increase resulted in shortage of land and caused overcrowding this also led to the rise of highly centralized states that developed standing armies which later carried out constant raids. Shortage of land and its increase in value of contribution to the development of productive forces since they were conditioned to produce everything in small areas.
Such factors threatened the communal mode of production and led to feudalism, since land was privately owned by people. This created classes of land owners and those who were landless within the community. Organization of labour was then dictated by land controllers at the expense of the landless who worked for the land owners in order to be paid. Also, the distribution of products was not equal; as land controllers took the highest shares for themselves.
Furthermore societies underwent a transformation from communalism to feudalism systems due to the fact that some societies become strong and conquered weaker societies
Hello Jenny how are you?I hope that your fine in my side I am fine and I am going well in my study.I like to give you sorry for the activities that your doing and for your health.In my side I am doing well that make me happy.In this month I have to study and to prepare for the another chance to inter in another year and I will be in form three so I like it because it encourage me to fulfil my dream and to give me hope that one day I will be a doctor. I can apply it in my daily life by studying well and to know what I am doing in the school and what are the result of that I do.I like to thanks you for this opportunity that you give me and to help to archive my goals I say thank you and GOD bless you. ………..I WISH YOU A NICE SUMMER…
Dear students,
Welcome to the TSF family. It is a privilege for me to work with you. Though my welcome may come a little late. Please know how lucky you are to be included in this big family. Hope you are happy and do your best to achieve your goal. Opportunity does not come by easily, you need to remember to grab this chance and make your life different. Put your greatest effort and make your dream come true.
I am having some health problem; hence I am not able to reply to your journal promptly. Please know that all the TSF staff do care a lot about you. I will try to write to you more often after I gain my health back. Thank you for your understanding.
Dear Students, By now, you have come along way this school year. We hope school has gone well for you, you have studied hard and are meeting your goals.
Where we live, winter is here and it has started to snow already. We don’t get around as easily so we stay home and read and now I am making soap for Christmas gifts!
How will you celebrate your holidays?! Will you Be with your family?!
We wish you happiness and all the success you dream of.
All the best, kate adams
Dear Students,

I love to collect wisdom from different sources that are meaningful to me.
Below are a few of my favorites that I would like to share with you:

1) When you master your emotions, you master your life
Anger. This is one emotion that is sure to pop up sometime during the day. How you deal with your anger says a lot about who you are as a person. How well do you manage your emotions? Do you have a harsh reaction if someone says something insulting to you? Anger can be a destructive emotion if not managed properly.

2) Respect other people’s opinions even when they differ from your own.

Conflict. It’s rare that two people agree on most topics. Conflict is everywhere. It happens at work, home, with family and friends. Disagreeing isn’t the problem (although most people think it is). The problem is not giving value to the opinions of others.

3) Experience The Joy Of Learning
Each time you learn something new you gain more knowledge and with more knowledge come more confidence. Learning helps us become more adaptable and flexible to new situations. Learning encourages us to be more creative and innovative in our thinking and we are therefore more comfortable with the unknown.
Reading books is a great way for us to learn. To fully embrace the joy of learning, never stop reading and searching for more knowledge.

4) Touch someone’s soul with your kindness
Random Acts of Kindness. It’s the little things in life that matter most. Hold a door, smile at people. Kindness does not cost much and it touches the soul of another person.

5) Speech is a powerful tool.
Your words. Watch your words carefully. They can be daggers or building blocks. You can crush the spirit of someone or make them feel like they can conquer the world. Taste your words before you spit them out. Words are your thoughts coming to life. It’s your choice.

What are your favorite quotes and wisdom to live by? I’d love to hear your thought on that.
Jonathan Gilbert
Hello all. I am here to share the following topic.
Characteristics of primitive communalism
Low level of production; With crude tools like stone and little knowledge, man hardly mastered his surroundings. He managed to get basic needs such as food, clothes and shelter. Due to low level of development in science and technology people produced food for their day to day use; hence there was no surplus of production.
Collective ownership; Members of the community jointly owned the major means of production including land, tools and animals. The clan leader headed the members of the clan. However, communal societies were not stratified as a result all commodities produced was shared equally for there was no exploitation.
Absence of specialization; People were obliged to do all the jobs including making tools, hunting, looking for foods, preparing shelters and clothes. The division of labour was based on gender and age; men hunted and collected food while women were responsible for cooking, taking care of the young, sick and old people.
Full democracy; All decision making was arrived at by all adult members of the group regardless of their gender.
People lived together according to blood relations in small groups by tracing their origin from the same ancestor. Each group was separated from the other by large tracts of land.
Transition from primitive communalism to advanced communalism
During primitive communalism all the time man largely depended on nature so as to increase his labour productivity.
Domestication of animal and plants or emergence of Neolithic revolution in the late age of the Stone Age; this was the greatest revolution made so far for the first time by man.
Development of permanent settlement; Even with nomadic pastoralist or shifting cultivation the area of operation became limited as the number of people increased due to the Neolithic revolution. Hence the production increased with the population following this permanent settlement was inevitable.
Advanced production of tools like hand hoes, panga, axe and other iron tools resulted from the Neolithic revolution
Land continued to belong to the community but agriculture became the major economic activity.
Transition from advanced communalism to feudalism mode of production
African societies were not static, but they underwent transformations, which were influenced by the environment, climate and soil fertility, the growth of population and the increase of productive forces all which paved the way for a new mode of production.
Such factors caused societies' transitions from communalism to feudalism, by the 19th century some societies were practicing feudalism. However, groups such as the Tindiga of Tanzania, Khoisan of Kalahari maintained their communal mode of production.
Some societies lived in areas with good climate and fertile soils. Such societies included the Mandika and the Yoruba in the forest of savannah regions, Bunyoro, Buganda, Ankore, Toro, Tutsi, Haya, Hutu and Waha of East Africa as well as the Zulu and the Nguni in South Africa.
Reliable rainfall and fertile soils allowed the expansion of agriculture and the cultivation of permanent crops e.g. bananas in Buganda.
The cultivation of permanent crops led to the growth of permanent settlements which ensured surplus production.
The advancement of science and technology led to the discovery of iron. From iron people made strong and sharper tools than stone tools which increased the rate of production.
The growth in population led to an increase in food production and the standard of living. Population increase resulted in shortage of land and caused overcrowding this also led to the rise of highly centralized states that developed standing armies which later carried out constant raids. Shortage of land and its increase in value of contribution to the development of productive forces since they were conditioned to produce everything in small areas.
Such factors threatened the communal mode of production and led to feudalism, since land was privately owned by people. This created classes of land owners and those who were landless within the community. Organization of labour was then dictated by land controllers at the expense of the landless who worked for the land owners in order to be paid. Also, the distribution of products was not equal; as land controllers took the highest shares for themselves.
Furthermore societies underwent a transformation from communalism to feudalism systems due to the fact that some societies become strong and conquered weaker societies
Hello Judy.Thank you for visiting us and we are sure that you will come again. We are making preparation of end of year examination.
Hello students,

I finally got back to the US last week.
It has been a very long trip to Tanzania this year total three weeks.

I was very happy to meet all of you and know everyone better.

My trip started from Karatu. I visited 5 schools in Karatu and I learn where do you go to school every day.

I am very happy to know all of you are doing well and every of you has a dream that you want to be successful one day. I encourage all of you to try your best to reach you own destination.

The get together was so well prepared and done by each of you. I am very happy to saw all your science presentations and poems you wrote to TSF and me. I will treasure them all my life.

I can say I am very proud to all of you. Keep up the good work I want to see each of you one day get to
good University/College to reach your own dream.

After Karatu, I went to ARUSHA attended the TED Global conference and visited couple schools in ARUSHA.
I enjoyed the TED conference this year. It was focused on the Africa, specially in agriculture, health and education.

Mr. Amos was a volunteer there, he had great experience being this Global conference and met people from around the world.
He had a life experience at the conference, where he was able to meet a group of bright inventive and talented group of people.

Later I went to Iringa. Iringa almost the second hometown for me. I have been there six times.
I visited all 8 schools in Iringa and meet all of you in person. I was very happy to meet you.

I had a great time at the get together party. All of you did a wonderful presentation. I am very happy to know all of you had fun that night.

My this year Tanzania trip was set MMM computer center for most of the 13 TSF schools.
At Iringa, We build total 5 new computer center in Iringa girls, Klerruu, Lugalo, Ebenezer, Miyomgoni and Update one MMM center at Ummusalama. We build one new computer center at Karatu Secondary School and update one MMM center at Ganako.

I am very proud of building the MMM computer center in most of the TSF schools. I really want all of you to go to the computer center to learn every subject you are interested from the RACHEL PLUS.
In the future everyone work will be on the computer. I hope that every single of you tell me what do you learn from the RACHEL PLUS.
I would like you could to start the debate team in your school so you all could practice how to speak in the public. Have the Math Club and challenge each other on the Math.

They will all benefit your long-term confidence.

I hope I will hear from all of you soon.
Political System of centralized Governments in African Societies were in most Bantu Speaking people after developing handscrafts, agriculture, trade and mining they expanded Societies and needed to have state organisations in families, clans, tribes and communities .They developed good divisions of labour according to age, sex, and ability with powerful leadership under chieftainship, empires and kingdoms.
North Africa
The forest States in the Equatorial climate economic centred on agriculture , trade and Industry. They grew tobacco, maize spices fruits, potatoes exported Gold, Iron ore,Ivory and Kolanuts. They imported Salt, Leather and Manufactured articles.
By the end of First Millenium A.D small political units had begun to emerge. Between thirteenth and fourteen there were States of Denkyira , Adansi, Faute and Akwam.
Creation of large
Centralized states was associated with changes in the trade from sixteenth century where forest Kingdom established long distance and Inter Regional trades across atlantic Ocean.
By mid–eighteenth century there were powerful Asante Empire under Saute people and Under leadership of Osei Tutu and Nana people had state of Itsekiri.
1.What were works of Bantu Speaking people in North Africa that made them to form centralized Societies?
2.How did these people use a good division of labour?
3.The Forest States of North Africa were Economics centres in….
4.Which states developed between 13Th .C. and 14Th .C.?
5.Mention two powerful Empires by the mid eighteenth century.
The Early States in north Eastern Africa were Ancient Egypt,The kingdom of Nubia and Kingdom of Ethiopia.
Anciet Egypt
Archaeological evidences suggest the history of Ancient Egypt that goes as far backs as between 1500 and 500 B.C Tombs along the Nile valley showed that there were villages communities of food producers by utilizing the floods of the Nile where Wheat, Barley and Keeping livestocks made populations grow and stimulate parmanent setllements. Science and technology of controlling disasters by, actual and charms,storing knowledge on floods,solar Calender and Micro-religious consolidated authority to developments and civilizations. In 1000B.C chiefs and elders called Menes developed civil administrations. Pharaohs under Firauni as main Leader, they developed Suez Canal Irrigation and Taxes for traders who passed from Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea for their expansion of state.
The kingdom of Nubia
Nubia lay in the areas across modern Sudan,Egypt and Ethiopia .From 800B.C.Nubia developed like Egypt depending on Nile River. Nubia peoploe had no high agriculture as Egypt but they had plenty of Mineral resources such as Ivory, Ebony .Gum and Livestock. After about 1500 B.C.Imerged several states and the most poweful was Kush under Kushite people who were in Centre of Industry, Trade and Iron Working in the Capital of Napata and then shifted to Meroe. In sixteenth century kush was under Muslims and then changed to be under Christians .At the end it returned to be under Muslims.

The kingdoms of Ethiopia
Ethiopia as a plateau surrounded by arid and savannah plains with Heavy rainfall practised agriculture and also developed iron industry since it was near meroe.In 1000 A.D. Axum the capital and other towns expanded as Trade centres .They were visited by traders from Egypt, Syria, greece, Persia, India Armenia. Early expansion was made by king Ezana and declined due to Muslim attacks of between 7Th C. and 11Th C.
Other expansions by kings Theodore Menelik II,1889-1913. Addis Ababa was the capital of this Empire. Ethiopia evolved a special Orthodox church known as Koptic church under king Solomon and Queen Sheba
Hello Students!

I wanted to write to say hello to you all and to ask how your school year is going?

Almost all of the United States has been watching and reading about the hurricane that came ashore in the state of Texas last week, bringing very large amounts of rain up to 52 inches in 3 days. They had named the storm
My fellow student:

Welcome back to school! This is a new semester, it is time for new goals. new ideas and new learning.
At end of last semester, I wrote to you to write to me about the most remarkable or important thing that happened to you during your holiday! I am looking forward to reading your reply when you next write your journal.. Now while I really interested in what are you taking this year what will be your favorite subjects.

Knowledge will give you the power to be known you must read everything you can the more you know the more valuable you will be as a person and to your society.

I am coming to Tanzania at end of August and beginning the September.
I am looking forward to seeing you all.

Have fun and stay focuse! Best wish for all of you!

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  • Godfridi




    Experiences in my life are when I failed my examination during primary education and also when my parents failed to pay food for me. My difficult experiences in my life are when my parents have insufficient enough money to pay for all my basic needs at school such as food and other school contributions. The thing that makes me feel so proud of myself is when I succeeded in joining O-level education. This makes me feel that I will, I must, I can do everything. The most memorable and happiest thing in my life will be to reach my dream of being a doctor general so as I can help other people in society. My future dream is to be a GOOD surgical doctor. After me reaching my dream, I will give back help to my society and family, but also to WEF. I need to work hard upon reaching my dream in my life. Once I get chance to have power of changing anything in country, I will improve the education system by converting science subjects from theory to practical. In most of our schools, they teach science subjects mostly theoretically. I will start from there because as we know education is the key to every success in our people.

    School Year 2024

  • Bertha




    Notable experiences in my life are, first, passing my standard seven examination and, second, entering secondary school. My most difficult experience was when I started to learn English. I have learned that if you want to do something, you have to work hard. I felt proud was when I entered secondary school. My most memorable and happiest thoughts are from when I celebrated at my birthday party. My dream is to be an electrical engineer. I will get there through studying hard and doing well in science subjects. If I had the power to change my country, I would like to improve the electricity supply especially in rural areas because there are shortages of electric power.

    School Year 2024

  • Seraphine




    The experience that I had early in life was to score good marks in my class, whereby I got good grades which encouraged me to study hard in class. The difficult experience that occurred in my life was an accident on my way back home. I learnt that I should not play again in bad areas. In my life I am proud of myself. I was getting low marks in class but now I have managed to improve a lot. The most memorable and happiest thing in my life is to play football. It exercises my body regularly and hence strengthens my body system. My dream is to become a mechanical engineer. The best way to reach it is through studying hard in school, in physics, mathematics and chemistry. If I had power in my country, I would change the education system of the country so that it helps graduates to depend more on self-employment.

    School Year 2024

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