Sebastian's 2025 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $820 from 3 donors Needs $0


Sebastian was born in Loja in the south of Ecuador and lived for five years with his grandparents, while his parents went to other cities in search of work. For the last six months he's been living in Quito with his parents and his sister: the family has been re-united.

Where your donation goes

Total $820
  • Food
  • Uniform, School Supplies
  • Transport

Sebastian's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2025 Year 5
2024 Year 4
2023 Year 4
2022 Year 3
2021 Year 4
2020 Year 2
2019 Grade 7


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I've started my final year at high school! I'm trying to do a lot of studying as I really want to go to university, but it's not easy to get a place. Thank you very much for your help. I am very grateful for your support.
School has been more difficult in recent months, but my family and friends have helped me get on. I've reinforced what I'd already learnt, confronted new challenges, improved my way of studying and also participated in extra-curricular projects and activities. I'm now trying to prepare myself for the next school year. Thank you!
Hello. I'm now in my second year studying for the baccalaureate. I'd like to thank The School Fund for offering me your support so I can continue my studies and improve my academic life. Thank you!
This year I'm starting some new subjects and I think some of them will be quite difficult. I'm looking forward to the new challenges and I'm really happy to be back at school with my friends. I would like to thank everyone for helping me to continue studying. Thank you!
My school has not yet re-opened after the pandemic, so I have begun the year studying from home. I've got used to virtual clases but I still miss my friends and having a life away from home. I hope it will soon be possible to go back to face-to-face classes and normality.
This year's been a bit difficult for me as I started to study more advanced topics which are complicated online. Despite all the problems I was able to do all my work and produce all the portfolios I had to, and I got good marks. I am very grateful for the scholarship because without it I wouldn't have been able to finish this year in school. Thank you.
The change which the pandemic has brought has made me sad because we don't know how long it will last. At the beginning, the online classes were difficult for me. I prefered face-to-face lessons as they are more dynamic and they include lots of different ways of learning. I wanted to see my friends again too. But as time has gone on I've adapted to the online classes, because I want to learn and to continue studying. Thank you very much for being concerned about me and how I am feeling, and for all your support.
Hello. Thank you for your support. I and my family are fine but the lock-down has been diificult. We are closed in and I can't see my friends, but it's been nice spending more time with my family. We have had to adjust to having less money and that has changed our way of life. I think that in the future we will all have to learn to follow the rules to prevent the spread of the virus, so our lives can improve and we can return to normality.
Hello. Last year was very difficult for me because I was in a new school and a new city. I used to live with my grandparents in a town called Loja but now I live in Quito with my parents. The classes here are more demanding. I managed to overcome my academic limitations though and at the end of the year I won a diploma for being one of the top three students in my class. Now I've got some good friends and I like all the different subjects we study.

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100% of your donations to students fund their education.

  • Gideon




    I have experience planting vegetables because my parents do that. Also, we have a garden at our home. Therefore, that is experience I have had in life. Apart from that experience, I also had a difficult experience when I failed my geography exam. That enabled me to learn how to cooperate with other students. I was so proud of myself when I performed well in my national exam. The memorable and happiest moment in my life will be when I reach my dream of being pilot. I will be so happy. My biggest dream is to be a pilot. I will get there through studying hard in physics, geography, and mathematics. After reaching my dream, I will help my parents to modify their cultivation system and to become professional farmers. From there they can expand the area of cultivation into a large plantation. Once I get a chance to have the power to change my country, I will build many airports in each region and some districts. This will help in the flexibility of transportation in my country.

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  • Godfridi




    Experiences in my life are when I failed my examination during primary education and also when my parents failed to pay food for me. My difficult experiences in my life are when my parents have insufficient enough money to pay for all my basic needs at school such as food and other school contributions. The thing that makes me feel so proud of myself is when I succeeded in joining O-level education. This makes me feel that I will, I must, I can do everything. The most memorable and happiest thing in my life will be to reach my dream of being a doctor general so as I can help other people in society. My future dream is to be a GOOD surgical doctor. After me reaching my dream, I will give back help to my society and family, but also to WEF. I need to work hard upon reaching my dream in my life. Once I get chance to have power of changing anything in country, I will improve the education system by converting science subjects from theory to practical. In most of our schools, they teach science subjects mostly theoretically. I will start from there because as we know education is the key to every success in our people.

    School Year 2024

  • Pelagia Roger


    Pelagia Roger


    My ambition is to be an engineer in the sector of mechanics because I would like to develop my nation. Our nation is lower at technology than others. That makes it a poor nation. I don’t like to see that. I want my nation to produce its own products for its own people rather than buying from foreign countries, causing our country’s finances to be low. I want to be an example for Tanzanians by increasing national development. If I become an engineer, I shall increase technology and industry in my nation. Most people say study hard and make your ambition come true and be employed outside Tanzania in a developed country. My ambition is to make the impossible possible. People say I can’t do it but I believe I will help my nation develop fast so it will be respected.

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