Ana Lisbeth is fully funded for 2022, as well as for the current funding year.

Ana Lisbeth's 2024 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $1000 from 6 donors Needs $0


Ana Lisbeth is from the community of Parcco near Calca, in the Sacred Valley of Peru. She is able to continue her studies to honour her late brother and fulfull her dreams with Mosqoy's support. Ana Lisbeth will be studying Business Administration at a post-secondary trade institute in Cusco and hopes to one day open her own business, where she can support future Mosqoy students and youth in her community. Ana Lisbeth finds great strength in her brother’s words, who wanted more than anything for her to continue her studies and follow her dreams despite challenges that came her way.

Where your donation goes

Total $1000
  • Tuition, Boarding, Books, Workshops, Tutors

Ana Lisbeth's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2024 Year Three
2023 Year Two
2022 Year One
2021 Year One
2020 Year One


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Good morning. My name is Ana Lisbeth Huahuasoncco Quispe, and I am from the community of Parcco. I am studying International Business Administration at Khipu Institute. Well, I started my sixth semester and it is very interesting and exciting because I will finish my studies. There are sometimes worries about how I am going to do my thesis for my degree, but I am already moving forward, and I know that I will complete it, although crying, but I will do it. I feel happy to be completing my studies. It was difficult, but I got here...

Well, this semester is a little complicated with the project that we have to present... Our project is something innovative that will be guinea pig hamburgers, very interesting. The truth is, we are also finding out how and where we have to have the packaging and labels for our product. I hope everything goes well and we are also creating an artichoke heart product. They [our professors] ask us for many things. There are many processes that must be followed as requirements, for example, seeing which countries Peru has a treaty with, which countries can be exported to most easily, and in which countries artichokes are most consumed.

At the end of December, I had a week-long vacation. I went to work and handed out gifts to children at Christmas. I really had a lot of fun. Then during New Year's, I spent time with my family, cooking, laughing, and doing things.

Sincerely: Ana Lisbeth


Buenos días, Mi nombre es Ana Lisbeth Huahuasoncco Quispe soy de la comunidad de Parcco yo estoy estudiando la carrera Administración de Empresas internacionales en el Instituto Khipu. Bueno empecé mi Sexto semestre y es muy interesante y emocionante por que ya culminare mis estudios hay veces hay preocupaciones de cómo voy a hacer mi tesis para mi titulación, pero ya estoy avanzando y yo se que lo lograre, aunque llorando, pero lo are me siento feliz por estar ya culminando mis estudios fue difícil pero ya llegue aquí…

Bueno este semestre esta un poco complicado ya que con el proyecto que tenemos que presentar … nuestro proyecto es algo innovador que será cuychas es de Hamburguesa de cuy muy interesante la verdad además estamos averiguando como y donde tenemos que hacer realizar los empaques, etiquetas para nuestro producto ojala que todo vaya bien y además estamos internalizando el producto de corazón de alcachofa y nos piden muchas cosas son como procesos que se debe de seguir como requisitos y ver con que paises tiene un tratado el país peru y aque paises se puede exportar mas el producto o en que paises se consume mas la alcachofa

En el mes de diciembre Alos finales tuve una vacación de una semana fui a trabajar y repartir regalos para los niños en navidad la verdad me divertí mucho luego en año nuevo pase con mi familia todo tranqui nos cocinamos, reímos y haci.

Atentamente: Ana Lisbeth
Dear donor,
Good afternoon. I hope you are all well.
My name is Ana Lisbeth Huahuasoncco Quispe. I am from the community of Parcco, which is near Calca. I will tell you a little about what is happening in my community. Right now, it is starting to drizzle and it is very cold. It looks very nice since our agricultural products need rain. My parents now planted crops such as potatoes, peas, and vegetables. Generally, it is super nice to be with my family with my little brother to play and work, but I don't have much time to be with my family. That is what makes me saddest because on the weekends I do my internship for my degree and there is no time to go to my house.

Now I will tell you about the academic progress. Right now, I am finishing the 5th semester of my degree. That makes me happy and excited that I was able to achieve everything like a little bit of my thesis, which was very complicated for me, but it was great. I also created, in my product development course, a product called “MACAW MIX," which are organic cookies and they turned out super delicious. They were quinoa and maca flour with raisins, chocolate and nuts. The labels and packaging were complicated, but we managed to finish it. Another part was financing, which was complicated. We had to take out all the cost of the cookies, cash flow, balance sheet, income statement, ratios,... I learned a lot. I had some frustrating teachers, but I had to endure and demand that they teach us better. I learned abo
ut fairs, how to hold an international, local, national fair, and leadership. I am really very happy and proud of myself for all the effort I put in to learn more from the courses taken in this cycle and I will be very happy and proud of the great woman Administrator that I am becoming. I will return later from vacation to my sixth semester with more motivation and enthusiasm to complete my thesis and defend it.

Thank you for all the support. Thanks to you, I can continue with my studies and achieve my goals. I send you a hug from a distance. Take care. Thank you.

Estimado donante,
Muy buenas tardes. Espero que se encuentren todo bien.
Mi nombre es Ana Lisbeth Huahuasoncco Quispe. Soy de la comunidad de Parcco que esta cerca de Calca. Yo les contare un poco de mi historia en mi comunidad. Ahorita está empezando a lloviznar y hace mucho frio. Se ve muy bonito ya que los productos necesitan de la lluvia. Mis Papis ahora sembraron los productos como la papa, alverjita, y las hortalizas. Generalmente es super bonito estar con mi familia con mi pequeño hermanito jugar y trabajar es lindo pero yo no tengo mucho tiempo para estar con mi familia es lo que me pone mas triste porque los fines de semana hago mis practicas de mi carrera y no hay tiempo para ir a mi casa.

Ahora les cuento en lo nivel académico ahorita estoy terminando mi 5°to ciclo de mi carrera. Eso me hace más feliz y emocionada pude lograr todo como un poco de mi tesis, que se me hizo muy complicado según el avance, pero fue genial. También hice en el curso de desarrollo de producto, un producto cuyo nombre es “MACAW MIX” que son galletas orgánicas y nos salió super deliciosas. Eran de harina de quinua y maca con pasas, chocolate y frutos secos en allí nos complicamos en las etiquetas y envase, pero lo logramos terminar. Otro es de Financiamiento allí si era complicado tuvimos que sacar todo el costo de las galletas, flujo de efectivo, balance general, estado de resultados, ratios, wacc… Aprendi mucho. Tenia profesores bien pesados, pero tuve que soportar y reclamar para que nos enseñen mejor. Aprendí sobre las ferias como realizar una feria internacional, local, nacional, y el liderazgo. Realmente estoy muy feliz y orgullosa de mi misma por todo ese esfuerzo que puse de mi parte para aprender mas de los cursos llevados en este ciclo y estaré en mis vacaciones muy feliz y orgullosa de la gran mujer Administradora que me estoy formando, y regresar después de vacaciones a 6 ciclo con mas animo y entusiasmo para concluir mi tesis y sustentarla.

Agradecerles por todo el apoyo. Gracias a ustedes, puedo continuar con mis estudios y cumplir mis objetivos les mando un abrazo a la distancia. Cuídense mucho. Gracias.
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