Alejandro's 2024 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $1000 from 4 donors Needs $0


Alejandro is from the annex of Acopata above the rural community of Cancha Cancha, which sits between two glaciers at 4600 metres above sea level. He has displayed incredible self-determination and hard work, living independently most of his life while working to support himself to complete his secondary education. Alejandro loves to work with his hands and help his community members by being there for them when they need it; he therefore has decided to become a mechanic, and will be enrolling in the Senati Technical Institute in Cusco, with Mosqoy’s support. He also loves languages, so will be learning English while studying with us in Cusco. He already speaks Quechua and Spanish, and hopes to learn many more!

Where your donation goes

Total $1000
  • Tuition, Boarding, Books, Workshops, Tutors

Alejandro's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2024 Year Three
2023 Year Two
2022 Year One
2021 Year One


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Dear dear donors, partners and sponsors, I hope you are all well.

I send you a warm greeting. I am very grateful for your support towards us young people who are fulfilling our dreams and goals. For my part, I feel very good, always taking positive steps towards my near future. For this year 2024, I hope that my classes go well, I am already eager to learn more things and I really want to graduate soon and have my degree and thus be able to work. Your help has been vital for my goal of studying. Your support is and will be a success, I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I sincerely want to thank you for all your faith, trust and the affection with which you offer us your collaboration. Few people do what you do and give for us, I will be eternally grateful. Also, I hope you continue to support us and trust us. Thank you.

Queridos estimados donantes, socios y patrocinadres espero que todos ustedes se encuentren bien. Reciban un cordial saludo. Estoy muy agradecido por vuestro apoyo hacia nosotros los jóvenes que estamos cumpliendo nuestros sueños y metas. De mi parte yo me encuentro muy bien siempre dando pasos positivos con miras hacia mi futuro cercano. Para este año 2024, espero que mis clases me vaya bien ya estoy ansioso de aprender más cosas con muchas ganas de ya graduarme pronto y tener mi titulo y asi ya poder trabajar. Su ayuda ha sido vital para mi meta de estar estudiando. Su apoyo es y será un éxito, no me queda más que agradecerles desde lo más profundo del corazón.

De manera sincera quiero darles las gracias por toda su fe, confianza y el cariño con el cual nos brinda su colaboración. Pocas personas hacen lo que ustedes hacen y dan por nosotros, estaré eternamente agradecido. Además, espero que nos siga apoyando y confiando en nosotros. Gracias.
I am sending you a warm greeting …. I hope you are fine. I am very grateful for your support towards us young people who want to fulfill our dreams and goals. On my part, I am doing well, always taking positive steps. I am doing well in my classes. I am eager to learn more things, both professionally and in life. Your help has been vital for my goal of studying and continuing studying to be carried out. Your support will be a success, so I have nothing left but to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I sincerely want to thank you for all your faith, trust and the respect with which you have supported us. Few people do what you did for us, so we will be forever grateful. Furthermore, we hope that you continue supporting us and trusting us. Thank you.


Reciban un cordial saludo …. Espero que se encuentren bien. Estoy muy agradecido por vuestro apoyo hacia nosotros los jóvenes que queremos cumplir nuestros sueños y metas. De mi parte yo me encuentro muy bien siempre dando pasos positivos, en mis clases me va bien estoy ansioso de aprender más cosas tanto para lo profesional y la vida. Su ayuda ha sido vital para que mi meta de estudiar y seguir estudiando se llevara a cabo su apoyo será un éxito, así que no me queda más que agradecerle desde lo más profundo del corazón.

De manera sincera quiero darles las gracias por toda su fe, confianza y el respeto con el cual nos brindó su colaboración. Pocas personas hacen lo que usted hizo por nosotros, así que estaremos eternamente agradecidos. Además, esperamos que nos siga apoyando y confiando en nosotros. Gracias.
Dear Donors and Partners,

I hope that each one of you is well. Thanks to all of you, I am now studying tourism. I had to wait because of the pandemic, but then I finally could start my degree and it’s going very well.

I have a lot of goals and plans for next year. These are to continue advancing in my studies. In my institute, I am learning a lot of things for my degree and profession, and I’m happy to be part of the Mosqoy family and advance my dreams. I like to pass the time sharing happy moments with my friends, as well as with the Mosqoy family in Casa Mosqoy.

Thank you for having confidence in me and for helping us. May God bless you.

Thank you,
German Alejandro Ccarhuani Mamani
Dear Donors, Partners, and Sponsors,

I hope that each one of you is well.

I am a student of Mosqoy. My ultimate dream is to study auto-mechanics, and thus, generate my own resources by opening my own shop and company. With the help of Mosqoy and each one of you, my dream will become a reality.

In these moments of difficulty, pain, and fear, my experience is that people need each other in different ways. Thanks to this worldwide pandemic, many of us are relearning the value of solidarity as well as reciprocity, which were being forgotten. I feel very sad because this pandemic is hurting us all and is one more year of waiting to start my higher education.

I thank Mosqoy and all the donors, partners, and sponsors like The School Fund. Thank you for this great opportunity that you are giving me to accomplish my dreams and improve my life. You have been very supportive of me and, for this, I thank you from my heart, and I will be eternally grateful because all of you have unconditionally represented a big step in my life.

Thank you very much.
German Alejandro Ccarhuani Mamani


Espero que cada uno de ustedes se encuentre muy bien.
Soy estudiante de MOSQOY mi gran sueño es estudiar MECÁNICA AUTOMOTRIZ, y así, generar mis propios recursos abriendo mi propio local y empresa ya que con el apoyo de MOSQOY y de cada uno de ustedes se hará realidad mi gran sueño.

En estos momentos de lucha, dolor y miedo mi experiencia es que las personas necesitamos de otras personas en los diferentes ámbitos solidarios. Gracias a esta pandemia mundial muchos de nosotros estamos recuperando el valor de la solidaridad, así como también la reciprocidad que estaba por quedar en el olvido.Yo me siento muy triste porque esta pandemia nos está perjudicando a todos y es un año más de espera para mis estudios superiores.

Agradezco a MOSQOY y a todos los donantes, socios y patrocinadores como THE SCHOOL FUND. Gracias por esta gran oportunidad que me están brindando para cumplir mis sueños y ser mejor en la vida, han sido muy solidarios conmigo y por eso quiero agradecerles de corazón y estaré eternamente agradecido porque todos han representado un paso grande en mi vida incondicionalmente.



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100% of your donations to students fund their education.

  • Seraphine




    The experience that I had early in life was to score good marks in my class, whereby I got good grades which encouraged me to study hard in class. The difficult experience that occurred in my life was an accident on my way back home. I learnt that I should not play again in bad areas. In my life I am proud of myself. I was getting low marks in class but now I have managed to improve a lot. The most memorable and happiest thing in my life is to play football. It exercises my body regularly and hence strengthens my body system. My dream is to become a mechanical engineer. The best way to reach it is through studying hard in school, in physics, mathematics and chemistry. If I had power in my country, I would change the education system of the country so that it helps graduates to depend more on self-employment.

    School Year 2024

  • Gideon




    I have experience planting vegetables because my parents do that. Also, we have a garden at our home. Therefore, that is experience I have had in life. Apart from that experience, I also had a difficult experience when I failed my geography exam. That enabled me to learn how to cooperate with other students. I was so proud of myself when I performed well in my national exam. The memorable and happiest moment in my life will be when I reach my dream of being pilot. I will be so happy. My biggest dream is to be a pilot. I will get there through studying hard in physics, geography, and mathematics. After reaching my dream, I will help my parents to modify their cultivation system and to become professional farmers. From there they can expand the area of cultivation into a large plantation. Once I get a chance to have the power to change my country, I will build many airports in each region and some districts. This will help in the flexibility of transportation in my country.

    School Year 2024

  • Godfridi




    Experiences in my life are when I failed my examination during primary education and also when my parents failed to pay food for me. My difficult experiences in my life are when my parents have insufficient enough money to pay for all my basic needs at school such as food and other school contributions. The thing that makes me feel so proud of myself is when I succeeded in joining O-level education. This makes me feel that I will, I must, I can do everything. The most memorable and happiest thing in my life will be to reach my dream of being a doctor general so as I can help other people in society. My future dream is to be a GOOD surgical doctor. After me reaching my dream, I will give back help to my society and family, but also to WEF. I need to work hard upon reaching my dream in my life. Once I get chance to have power of changing anything in country, I will improve the education system by converting science subjects from theory to practical. In most of our schools, they teach science subjects mostly theoretically. I will start from there because as we know education is the key to every success in our people.

    School Year 2024

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