Vumilia Emanuel is fully funded for 2015, but she is raising funds for the current funding year.

Vumilia Emanuel is a student from Tanzania. She needs $200 to stay in school and is currently 0% toward her goal.

Raised $0 from 1 donor Needs $200


Class Rank 64 out of 250 Vumilia is a thirteen year old girl. She lost her father in 2007 and her mother has just passed away [in 2013]. At present Vumilia stays with her aunt together with her five siblings. Her sister completed primary school [standard seven] and she could not further her studies because their guardians could not afford to cater for their school fees. Vumilia's aunt and uncle are small scale peasants which implies that their income cannot fully cover for her school fees. Her ambition is to be a doctor. She declares that "Education is the major means for her to realize her dreams".

Where your donation goes

Total $200
  • Tuition, Exams, Uniform

Vumilia Emanuel's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2016 Form 4
2015 Form 3
2014 Form 2 (Girls)


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Hello Students!

My name is Anthony Xie, it's nice to talk to all of you. How are you enjoying your new year and what are some of your New Years resolutions? Mine is to become more organized, because I'm very bad at it

Hello TSF members
Today i would like to talk about Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the one among American leaders who was born on February 12 ,1809,he was very famous during his leadership because of the following;
Lincoln never lost track of where he came from. He always kept it in his head that he had gotten less than a year of formal schooling. He knew that he had never had money. He knew that he was from the frontier while other people in his political circles had grown up in full fledged cities or otherwise established areas in the East. He knew these things, but he always fought to combat his disadvantages
rather than let them beat him.
Lastly One thing that people often miss about Lincoln is that he was a genius. One of the reasons it’s easy to miss this is because one of his great gifts was taking a complex concept and whittling it down so that anybody could understand it. For example Wherever he went, Lincoln made friends. His heart and mind were always open to new people.
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  • Godfridi




    Experiences in my life are when I failed my examination during primary education and also when my parents failed to pay food for me. My difficult experiences in my life are when my parents have insufficient enough money to pay for all my basic needs at school such as food and other school contributions. The thing that makes me feel so proud of myself is when I succeeded in joining O-level education. This makes me feel that I will, I must, I can do everything. The most memorable and happiest thing in my life will be to reach my dream of being a doctor general so as I can help other people in society. My future dream is to be a GOOD surgical doctor. After me reaching my dream, I will give back help to my society and family, but also to WEF. I need to work hard upon reaching my dream in my life. Once I get chance to have power of changing anything in country, I will improve the education system by converting science subjects from theory to practical. In most of our schools, they teach science subjects mostly theoretically. I will start from there because as we know education is the key to every success in our people.

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  • Bertha




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  • Seraphine




    The experience that I had early in life was to score good marks in my class, whereby I got good grades which encouraged me to study hard in class. The difficult experience that occurred in my life was an accident on my way back home. I learnt that I should not play again in bad areas. In my life I am proud of myself. I was getting low marks in class but now I have managed to improve a lot. The most memorable and happiest thing in my life is to play football. It exercises my body regularly and hence strengthens my body system. My dream is to become a mechanical engineer. The best way to reach it is through studying hard in school, in physics, mathematics and chemistry. If I had power in my country, I would change the education system of the country so that it helps graduates to depend more on self-employment.

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