Bulemo Daison's 2017 school year has been fully funded! Click here to support a similar student.

Raised $200 from 1 donor Needs $0


My life has been difficult since I started to live as a slave because my mother left me alone with my relatives. She turned back to her parents. During my primary school, there was no one who cared about my school requirement. This situation became deeper when I was in secondary school. I am here to thank my teachers in my Ordinary level who saw my situation and gave me a chance to finish my Form 4. It is through their kindness – even today there is still a debt to my Ordinary level. Also I thank God that I was accepted to join the Advanced School through the promise of paying the school fees when chance allows me to do so. I am dreaming to be a doctor one day. I will get there through studying hard. I am so grateful to get the scholarship from The School Fund so I will be able to continue my education and get rid of these bad situations. In the future when I reach my dream I will also help the society and students like me who need help.

Where your donation goes

Total $200
  • School Fees

Bulemo Daison's Funding history

Year Grade Receipt Status
2017 Form 6
2016 Form 5


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hope that you are fine, me too am fine, I would like to share with what lent within this week from the reachel pi.
I lent about speciation… that is the formation of new species from the pre-existing one. This involve on the role of evolution.

this occurs through the following ways
-this is the sudden change of the number of chromosomes or arrengement of gene .

2.gene recombination
-this is the process where two traits from differrent species are combined to form one trait

3.natural selection and
-this is process where by the organisms that are more adapted to the envoronment tend to survive but
those who are less adapted are selected by nature.

4. reproduction isolation
-this is the process in which the actively reproductive population do not interbreed.

there are three types of speciation which are;
A. allopatric speciaton
B.parapatric speciaton
C.sympatric speciation
Dear students,
Welcome to the TSF family. It is a privilege for me to work with you. Though my welcome may come a little late. Please know how lucky you are to be included in this big family. Hope you are happy and do your best to achieve your goal. Opportunity does not come by easily, you need to remember to grab this chance and make your life different. Put your greatest effort and make your dream come true.
I am having some health problem; hence I am not able to reply to your journal promptly. Please know that all the TSF staff do care a lot about you. I will try to write to you more often after I gain my health back. Thank you for your understanding.
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